How can we help you with (security) problems concerning .be, .brussels or .vlaanderen domain names?  

You want to know the identity of a registrant who is not a private person   

You can find the contact data of the  registrant   of a .be, .brussels or .vlaanderen domain name below.  

You want to know the identity of a registrant who is a private person

To protect privacy, we do not show the details of private registrants via our website. You can however file a request to receive the contact details. The legal department of DNS Belgium will assess whether we can comply with your request. Please use the form below:

You want to know the history of a certain domain name  

These data are not publicly available but we have logs of all transactions per domain name. You can retrieve these data if you have a valid reason, e.g. in a judicial investigation. Send your request to

You want to know whether someone has one or more domain names

These data are not available to the public but we can conduct targeted searches in our database. You can request these data if you have a valid reason, e.g. in a criminal investigation. Send your request to

You want to cancel or delete a domain name

When a domain name is cancelled or deleted, the link to the underlying website is broken and accessibility thereto is virtually nil. DNS Belgium is not a judicial body and can take such drastic action only at the request of the competent legal authorities, e.g. at the requisition of the Crown Prosecution service.

You want to check the financial data of a registrant, e.g. transactions by credit card  

Alas, we cannot help you further here. DNS Belgium works via  registrars   and never directly with end customers, so we have no insight into their financial data.

You want to know the IP address of a certain internet user (with a .be, .brussels or .vlaanderen address)

Alas, we cannot help you further here. Only registrars can log in our systems. We can however redirect you to the registrar, if the party concerned is a registrant of a .be, .brussels or .vlaanderen domain name.